On 23rd April, I heard the chiest priest's lecture.
Japan is a Buddiest's country,but I think that many people don't care about buddism. However, people's life and mind effect by many things. For example, 'JIGA(自我)' , 'JIMAN(自慢)','ICHIGOICHIE(一期一会)' and so on...
I didn't many things about buddism. I knew 'SHABA' and 'GATAPISHI' mean this time. And I surprised by 1024 persons are concerned if my ancestor in ten successive. I thought this is very intersting. It is very simple,but I had never thought that.
I reflected that my daily life affected by buddism, 'ITADAKIMASU' and 'GOCHISOUSAMADESHITA'. We have to thank all foods. I thought it is effected by buddism
1 件のコメント:
Yeah, I thought the part about how we are all connected in a network by our ancestors was really interesting too. We don't usually think about things like that.